Metal Finishing Excellence 2010 Saporito Finishing Web Site!

Metal Finishing Excellence 2010 Saporito Finishing Web Site

It has proven crucial to our success and as we look into the future we must keep the plating and anodizing information moving and fresh to catch your eyes. As “Location, Location, Location” is the Realty Buzzword, “Content, Content, Content” is the Web Site Buzzword and we intend to keep our metal finishing content moving in 2010.

We will still maintain our critical information i.e.; Processes & Services, Updated Approvals, FAQs, Case Studies, Press Releases, Quotes and Contact but we will add a few wrinkles to the “Site”.

1. “Request a Chart” newly updated MIL spec charts will be available at the click of your mouse. The 2010 version updates all MIL specs to their current status as they pertain to Military and Defense contractors and Aerospace suppliers too.

2. FAQs will become more unique and new questions and answers will be added so you can’t say “I didn’t learn anything new today”.

3. Case Studies will include Salt Spray Studies, NH35 information, ROHS compliancy, Anodizing, TCP and Etching studies as well.

4.Press Releases will also include clippings from articles our engineers find interesting as they pertain  to Anodizing and Plating in the Chicago area.

We will continue to attack the Chicago anodizing and metal finishing markets to grow our base of effective and efficient customers.

Keep your eyes on the prize as we look into strategic ways to catch your eyes on the Saporito Finishing Web Site in 2010.

Let the fun begin…. FINISH STRONG!!!