What do you ZINC?

Saporito Finishing has done it again. We have added another high speed, automatic, rack, zinc plating line and here’s why. The auto zinc line we added 3 years ago is at capacity. By that I mean 24 hours 5 days a week!! This line continues to produce very high quality zinc/clear plating at a very competitive rate apparently pleasing our rack zinc customers. The addition of our new line opens the door for more high quality zinc capacity. With the new line we have added the capability to plate both clear and yellow trivalent chromate finishes offering variability for both of these in demand finishes.

Another benefit to 2 high speed lines is customer service. We have the capacity to turn work over faster than ever before. This allows our zinc customers to provide the lead time and quality their customers need and demand at a price that wins quotes. Add in the Saporito Finishing Fleet and we have truly the best customer service offered in our industry.

As the economy moves, Saporito Finishing is staying ahead by adding cutting edge equipment and processes and offering undeniably the best customer service in zinc plating today. Are we the best zinc plater in the industry? I think so, but I may be a little prejudiced. Why not give us a call and see for yourself?

Finish Strong!!!