Saporito Finishing Metal Finishing Specification Charts

The Saporito Finishing Metal Finishing Specification charts are ready and available for our customers and potential customers alike. These Spec charts offer  updated versions of the AMS and MIL metal finishing specifications. These specs are an effective tool for our customer’s Engineering, Laboratory, Quoting and Purchasing departments to track down the specifications that are utilized on their products. At Saporito we understand the importance of these specifications and want to assure our customers that we take them very seriously. From Cadmium to Zinc Nickel you will find the latest version of your metal finishing specification on these “FREE” charts. Here are the 3 easy ways to get your New Saporito Finishing Metal Finishing Specification Chart today.

1. Click on the Specification Chart icon on the Saporito Finishing website and fill out the accompanying form.

2. Contact your fabulous Saporito Salesman and get a chart delivered

3. Give our Saporito Receptionist a call at 708-222-5300 and request a chart.

We will continue to support our customers and our industry with pertinent, functional information and await your chart request today!!

As always…. Finish Strong!!!